Corporate legal teams are struggling with limited ability to use their eDiscovery platforms, which significantly impacts their ability to manage important tasks effectively.
READ MOREHere’s an example of how PLUSnxt’s comprehensive and customized education and training program through Accelerator provides organizations with the autonomy to manage their own eDiscovery processes, saving considerable costs.
READ MOREIf it seems like corporate legal departments are outsourcing services to more vendors than ever, that’s because many probably are. The lack of standardization leads to significant inefficiencies and drives up the potential for errors and data breaches exponentially...
READ MOREHere’s an example of how PLUSnxt’s comprehensive and tailored cloud-first Accelerator program eliminates the inefficiency and leads to a standardized approach to discovery that reduces costs and empowers its clients to manage their own discovery.
READ MOREAt least it may seem that way. There are so many uncertainties today with electronic evidence that your organization may be faced with imminent discovery deadlines before you can get a handle on your data.
READ MOREPLUSnxt provides customized solutions for its clients to enable them to meet aggressive discovery deadlines involving large data sets.
READ MOREElectronic discovery now extends beyond the discovery of conventional data types, reflecting the expanding variety of electronic evidence. With organizations increasingly adopting a wide range of solutions, particularly cloud-based ones, the data landscape within these entities is constantly changing...
READ MOREPLUSnxt frequently delivers tailored solutions to address modern data challenges. Here’s an example of how PLUSnxt provides customized solutions for its clients to address today’s data challenges...