How Achieving Autonomy Enabled a Global Corporation to Save $300K on eDiscovery Costs

January 2025 | Beyond Success Story

Working with eDiscovery solutions can be frustrating for law firms and corporate legal departments. eDiscovery is a complicated discipline with specialized terms and complex processes, and the solutions designed to streamline those processes can be complicated as well. And even for experienced professionals, eDiscovery vendors often restrict permissions to many features in their platforms, forcing your organization to be dependent on the vendor for virtually everything, which can be frustrating and costly.

Here’s an example of how PLUSnxt’s comprehensive and customized education and training program through Accelerator provides organizations with the autonomy to manage their own eDiscovery processes, saving considerable costs.

The Challenges

PLUSnxt recently assisted the legal department of a global corporation by helping them take command of their eDiscovery processes. This client had been previously using a solution for which they had received inadequate training, which left them struggling to effectively use the platform to conduct eDiscovery tasks.

Additionally, permissions of the solution had been restricted from access by not only the legal department, but also its outside counsel firms, forcing them to rely on the solution vendor to perform many tasks within the platform, which was costly and frustrating. The challenges associated with this scenario included:

  • Lack of understanding of eDiscovery concepts and best practices.
  • Lack of in-depth knowledge of the eDiscovery solution being used by the corporate legal department and its outside counsel firms.
  • Lack of productivity because permissions to many of the features in the eDiscovery solution were restricted from use by corporate and outside counsel firm users.
  • Lack of cost-containment because the corporation was forced to rely on the eDiscovery solution vendor to perform many eDiscovery tasks.
  • Lack of control over the process due to their lack of knowledge of eDiscovery, lack of experience in the eDiscovery solution and lack of access to features to manage their own discovery processes.

The Solution

PLUS' team of certified administrators, masters, and experts in RelativityOne provided a customized onboarding program through Accelerator to the client’s in-house team focused on eDiscovery best practices and client-selected functionalities.The onboarding and training program was customized to meet their needs, starting with foundational courses covering essential concepts, followed by advanced training on complex workflows and functionalities.

The PLUS team of experts also extended onboarding and training to the client’s outside counsel firms, equipping them with the necessary skills and access to manage tasks like batching documents, running advanced searches, and generating reports.

Through this customized onboarding program, the PLUS team was able to assist this corporate client in addressing the above challenges to achieve the following results using RelativityOne:

  • Develop a detailed understanding of eDiscovery concepts and best practices to ensure a more defensible and efficient process.
  • Develop an understanding of key features inRelativityOne to foster the ability to perform those functions within their own team.
  • Extend that understanding and control to their outside counsel firms to batch documents, run advanced searches, generate reports, and download PDFs, streamlining their review process and improving collaboration with those firms.
  • Take control of key functions in RelativityOne like data collection, processing, searching, redacting, and exporting, to achieve autonomy and reduce reliance on expensive vendor project management.
  • Achieve savings of $80,000 in data collections and $71,000 in processing in the first year, with additional savings projected to be as much as $300,000 in eDiscovery costs in the second year!

The Benefits

PLUS' comprehensive and customized onboarding and training program through Accelerator, enabled the client’s in-house team to develop a more thorough understanding of eDiscovery best practices, develop an understanding of key features in RelativityOne, and improve collaboration with their outside counsel firms through the firms’ own onboarding and training. This empowered the client to take control of desired aspects of the platform while PLUSnxt continued to offer support for remaining tasks, fostering gradual ownership growth, achieving autonomy over many of its own eDiscovery tasks, and saving hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in eDiscovery costs!

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