July 2024 | Beyond Breakdown

At least it may seem that way. There are so many uncertainties today with electronic evidence that your organization may be faced with imminent discovery deadlines before you can get a handle on your data.

An increasing variety of sources and types of electronically stored information (ESI) in this Big Data era increases the challenges of identifying how much potentially responsive data there is – as a result, organizations often don’t realize how much data there is related to the case until well into the case.

Not only that, but there are more deadlines than ever for many organizations today. According to the 2024 Annual Litigation Trends Survey by Norton Rose Fulbright, the median number of lawsuits reported by respondents was up 20% from the previous year. And 42% of respondents expect volume of lawsuits to rise in 2024. The increased case workload creates more costly discovery deadline “emergencies” and increases the potential for sanctions for failing to produce ESI by the deadline.

Litigation budgets can’t keep pace with the rate at which data and workloads continue to rise. As a result, litigation support staff continue to be expected to “do more with less” without the tools to get it done and the expertise to identify opportunities to streamline workflows, not only to address current needs, but also to anticipate and avoid future challenges as well. Bringing in a new eDiscovery solution to streamline the process is difficult when the team has little time to devote to onboard that solution.

With more data and more cases than ever – and insufficient staff and inadequate technology to address them – those discovery deadlines can sneak up on you before you know it. The deadlines are the same, but meeting those deadlines continues to become more difficult. Your team is always reacting to emergent deadlines instead of finding ways to proactively avoid those emergencies in the first place.

PLUSnxt Streamlines Workflows to Meet Challenging Discovery Deadlines

At PLUSnxt, we understand that traditional discovery workflows and legacy technology solutions can’t keep up with today’s data and caseload demands. Our expertise and technology can enhance the capabilities of your existing team with innovative workflows and solutions combining people, process and technology to meet even the most challenging deadlines, while preparing your team to be better equipped to avoid future emergencies efficiently and cost-effectively:

People: PLUSnxt’s dedicated team of experts understands the legal requirements for responding to discovery in litigation, the best practices for addressing an increasing variety of data types, and the latest technological capabilities for streamlining processes throughout the discovery life cycle. We know how to “speak legal” and “speak geek” to understand and address discovery challenges efficiently and cost-effectively.

Process: No matter how well your litigation team plans for discovery, discovery deadline “emergencies” can still happen. The PLUSnxt dedicated team of experts understands how to put efficient and cost-effective processes in place to proactively anticipate and avoid potential future challenges, as well as to “think outside the box” to help our clients meet seemingly impossible discovery deadlines with innovative approaches and solutions.

Technology: It’s impossible to “do more with less” to meet aggressive discovery deadlines without leveraging technology. PLUSnxt’s unique partnership with Relativity enables us to leverage the unique and ever-evolving capabilities of RelativityOne, the leading cloud eDiscovery solution, to apply innovative approaches and workflows across the entire discovery lifecycle. Our expertise with RelativityOne extends beyond review and production workflows to early case assessment (ECA) and even automating and streamlining collection in the cloud!

Today’s discovery deadlines are more challenging than ever and can sneak up on you before you realize it. PLUSnxt’s unique combination of people, process and technology results in customized approaches and solutions that enables your team to proactively prepare to avoid many challenges in meeting deadlines – while also “thinking out the box” to meet unexpected discovery deadline “emergencies”! Check out how our team of experts recently addressed a unique challenge for an AmLaw 50 law firm faced with their own discovery deadline “emergency” to meet their deadline – with days to spare!

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