Big Data Analysis

PLUSnxt sifts through mountains of unstructured data to find the relevant information

With PLUS, you gain the ability to systematically extract information, analyze and manage vast amounts of data that are too large or complex to be dealt with by traditional review methodologies. PLUS deploys the technology and expertise necessary to handle complex unstructured data and will assist in organizing the data to gain greater insight in order to make more intelligent decisions.

Early Case

Early Case Assessment (“ECA”) is the process of identifying, analyzing and filtering down an initial document data set. When used properly, ECA allows case teams to evaluate the cost and risk of a legal issue, build a litigation strategy and discovery plan all while reducing time and saving money.  PLUS integrates early case assessment (ECA) and investigation capabilities into its review platform, enabling your team to use whatever search and analysis tools are required to quickly dig into matters, gain a comprehensive understanding of the data at the onset of a case and quickly uncover the truth behind your data.

The goal of ECA is to quickly analyze and synthesize data into a preliminary understanding of the document corpus. The PLUS team has created specific ECA workflows to quickly reveal the size, scope and data modeling to support decision making strategies of the case through rapid identification of critical information about the data.


Legal Operations teams should apply analytics to unstructured data to evaluate, predict and improve discovery review performance. PLUS confers with clients at every stage of a project to determine the most effective analytics tools to apply to gain an efficient review workflow. Whether your review is conducted in-house or managed externally, PLUS offers a full suite of Relativity analytics features to help identify critical information quickly including:


Regardless of the volume of data and number of documents in your review, you can handle them more efficiently and with more transparency than ever before. PLUS utilizes TAR technologies, protocols, and workflows to help case teams accomplish more legal and data discovery tasks than just culling data, including:

  • Categorization - By Issue Coding
  • Coding Quality Control Assurance
  • Data Disposition
  • Early Case Assessment/Investigation
  • Identification of Relevant Documents
  • Information Governance
  • Organizing and Review of Incoming Productions
  • Prioritization Review
  • Privilege Review